Food & Nutrition
Mark Wahlqvist’s Food and Nutrition is widely regarded as the most authoritative introduction to nutrition and dietetics in the region. It provides a comprehensive overview of nutrition needs at different life stages, the biochemistry of foods, dietary disorders, and the social, political and environmental contexts of food production and consumption.

Food Sources of Nutrients
A 22 page Ready Reckoner with over 2000 foods enabling busy health professionals and the general public to quickly look up the best food sources of nutrients from both fresh and packaged foods. Foods listed for each nutrient are from highest (best source) to lowest (poorer source) and the amount of nutrient per typical serving of food is also included.
Medications: Good and Bad Interactions
A 65 page Ready Reckoner with over 400 commonly prescribed drugs, their side effects and interactions (good and bad) with foods, herbs and nutrients. Compiled by Accredited Practising Dietitian, A/Prof. Antigone Kouris PhD, from authoritative fully referenced sources.

“You are what you COOK!”
In full colour, 80 easy to prepare healthy tasty recipes for lunch or dinner for the family using Mediterranean and South Asian flavours. Many recipes have been adapted from traditional Greek recipes and made healthier by reducing the calories, fat, carbs and many are naturally gluten free. Therefore most recipes are suitable for weight control, for people with diabetes, high cholesterol and celiac disease.